Organic Clove / Laung (Health Fields)

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Orgnaic cloves or Lavang- in India, is actually a flower bud. Organic cloves is the also an essential spice in Indian spice box. Royal or special dishes whether they are spicy, savory or sweet, are incomplete without the aroma and flavor Organic cloves\ Laung.
The Organic cloves are a powerful shield against many infections as well as diseases. The clove contains powerful antioxidants and vitamin C. Cloves are very useful as a painkiller and also can protect from dental decay and gum diseases Organic clove oil is an active ingredient in some herbal toothpastes. It is also found useful, according to some studies, fighting against lung and cervical cancer.
After knowing all these amazing benefits of Organic Lavang, order the very Pure Organic Cloves right now. There is a whole range of simply delicious tempting sweet delights like sweet coconut rice dish ( Narali Bhaat), Gajar ka halwa and so on.