It’s a matter of the organic

Building a healthier tomorrow starts today and that seems to be the unofficial guiding motto behind organic farming. With growing awareness about health and organic farming’s contribution to it, needless to say, organic produce has made its way to consumers’ hearts and dining tables.
Organic produce falls under what most consumers would refer to as ethical consumption. Organic food is produced using more environment-friendly, animal-friendly methods thereby making it an all-rounder in the world of cultivation. What makes organic produce even more appealing to the consumers is that organic fruits and organic vegetables need to pass a series of regulations before being accredited as organic. This includes no genetically modified crops or ingredients, non-usage of pesticides and artificial chemical fertilizers.
Organic farming happens to be extremely beneficial for wildlife as the reduced usage of chemicals in turn has significantly reduced indirect consumption of it by animals.
The benefits of organic farming to maintaining a proper climate and prevent it from deteriorating further are worth the applaud. Organic farming methods are less dependable on non-renewable, fossils fuel based fertilisers and pesticides. Moreover,organic farming also helps store a large amount of carbon in the soil. Apart from carbon a lot of other nutrients are restored to the soil through organic farming.
Organically grown fruits and vegetables also help combat serious soil and land-related issues like soil erosion.
In fact, a study conducted by Organic Trade Association has suggested that if in USA alone all the farmers switch to organic farming, then it will eliminate around 500 million pesticides entering the environment annually. If this is the environmental contribution from a country like US whose population is less than that of India, then not much is left to imagination if such organic practices are adopted by farmers in India as well.
The Rodale Institute Farming Systems Trial has been conducting a study since 1981 regarding a comparison between chemical and organic farming and since has found that organic farming reduces the emission of carbon dioxide and thereby can help slow down global warming.
“If only 10,000 medium sized farms in the U.S. converted to organic production, they would store so much carbon in the soil that it would be equivalent to taking 1,174,400 cars off the road, or reducing car miles driven by 14.62 billion miles.”
Organic farming is also supposed to help the constant depletion of water and thereby maintain a proper environmental balance. Organic farming encourages healthy biodiversity which in turn plays a crucial role in maintaining the resilience of the farm and thereby the Eco system.
Where farmers are concerned, organic farming actually reduces the cost of farming since it is done without the use of chemicals or fertilizers. Moreover, since organic fruits and vegetables are priced higher in the market, it also increases the chances of the farmer earning more. Being a labour intensive and time-consuming farming method, it also increases the potential of more helping hands being hired, thereby benefiting the local economy and creating more jobs.
At OrgPick, all of these factors are kept in mind. The produce at OrgPick is 100% organic and non-exploitative towards the farmers. OrgPick makes sure that farmers get their monetary due for all their hard work. Consumers also get their health related satisfaction as OrgPick does not store produce on the shelf more than the time it is required. You can have your entire organic produce requirement directly delivered to your doorstep from