Organic Whole Jawas

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There is a reason why flax seeds, lately, are becoming so popular with the mainstream. With fast and tense lifestyles, high stress, heart troubles on the rise, this tiny little golden brown coloured seed is a great friend, helping reduce cholesterol and relax heart and blood vessels. Flax seeds i.e.; Jawas / Alsi in Maharashtra - India, contains over 50% of heart-friendly omega 3 fatty acids (Alpha Linoleic Acid). Additionally, it also contains a generous amount of fibre and antioxidants. These nutrients help bring down cholesterol level and blood pressure.
But Jawas is not just for people with high tension. Ever feel constipated and regularly so? Then take heart and join the band of Flax seed lovers. The fibre in flaxseed / jawas relieves constipation so very effectively. This oilseed is also a powerful source of B vitamins and has a list of minerals like copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.
You can make ground flax seeds into dry chutney along with some ground sesame seeds, peanuts to add to taste. Of course, pure ground flax seeds paste with garlic and chilli powder makes just perfect combination for your heart as well as overall health. You can go easy on chilli powder though taking care not to make it too hot! If you are pure vegetarian, substitute eggs with Jawas paste in your cake batter as a raising agent. The pure organic whole flax seeds online, of course, stay fresh, last longer, and carry benefits of no unhealthy chemicals, fertilizers and toxic to nature as well. So, there is no option for natural and healthy Jawas or flax seeds.